Marta Espicio of Huancito |
Martin Espicio, Huancito artisan |
The village of Huancito is definitely off the beaten track. Even the folks who know Michoacán well and appreciate its spectacular artesania (crafts) have never been, and probably have no idea where it's located --in La Cañada de los Once Pueblos, several small indigenous villages about a half hour from Zamora. But if you visit Michoacán's most charming town of Patzcuaro, and spend any time at the Plaza Vasco de Quiroga (aka the Plaza Grande) on a Sunday afternoon, you will very likely encounter Marta Espicio and her family selling their wares. The whole family makes these gorgeous burnished and finely decorated clay pots, learning the traditional Purepecha craft from David Espicio who learned from his parents. The sons -- Martin, Jesus, and Ramon among them, and daughter Maria Guadalupe -- have far surpassed their father's skill, exhibiting extraordinary talent and creativity that has earned them honors in local competitions and the appreciation of customers who happen by. The problem is, there aren't enough of those customers.
Mexico By Hand plays a major role sustaining the economy of the Espicio family, and they look forward to our yearly visit in the summer when we excitedly select our favorite pots to pack up and ship to the California. But as far as we can tell, except for a few tourists and expats who adorn their homes with these fabulous, affordable treasures, there is no real market beyond that for this art-- except for Mexico By Hand's customers. These pots are decorative works of art, not as "useful" as say a glazed platter or embroidered blouse, which most customers can easily justify purchasing even in difficult economic times. But there is something so soulful, joyful, life-enriching about these ollas. Each pot is unique; flowers and birds are the common themes, painted free-hand with a squirrel hair brush, with paint made from ant excrement-- or so we've been told. We own two Huancito pots that my husband has repeatedly told me he will NEVER, EVER sell, he loves them so much. It would be like selling his children, that's how much he adores them. Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but they clearly give him a great deal of pleasure. And they don't talk back. But lucky for you, we have acquired some equally beautiful pieces in my opinion... that might make you fall in love too.

These are a few samples of the work of the Espicio family, available for purchase at the Mexican Museum of San Francisco's tiendita
www.mexicanmuseum.org and at the
Mexico By Hand booth February 22 & 23 at the 2014 Art of the Americas show in San Rafael, California.
For more info. on how to purchase ollas from Huancito, please email us at: info@mexicobyhand.com